Petition to clean up our city centre!

Mancroft councillors Jamie Osborn, Sandra Bogelein and Martin Schmierer are starting a campaign to clean up Norwich city centre which has been neglected for long enough.

Our city centre needs to be cleaned up. Bins are often overflowing, with rubbish spilling everywhere, attracting seagulls, pigeons and rats. There have been many complaints about a lack of street cleaning. They have launched a petition calling on the council to look after our city centre and make it one we can all be proud of by:

  • Reviewing the number and size of public bins (including the options to have dual bins so people can recycle ‘on the go’)
  • Adding movable bins and empty bins more frequently during busy times (e.g. events, celebrations or sunny weekends)
  • Ensuring that the company which is responsible for emptying city centre bins and cleaning streets (a company owned by Norwich City Council) fulfils its obligations and does its job properly
  • Developing a strategy to reduce waste across the city

We need as many signatures as we can possibly get if we want to be heard and force the council into acting. Please sign the petition here:

Please also share this with your friends and family as well as on social media to help us get even more signatures.

You can also report any overflowing bins or other street issues using the council’s online forms: This helps us show 1) just how common overflowing bins and other street issues are, 2) which areas need action most and times when there are increased problems, and 3) that people really care about a clean city centre.

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