The Nelson Ward Team

Survey finds our street trees in peril
New campaign for city-wide plan and protection

We have recently suffered the hottest summer on record and temperatures are forecast to continue to rise. Trees, apart from their ecological benefits, help cool our city. Yet Nelson ward Green team has recently identified 59 gaps where missing or dead street trees need replacing.
Norfolk County Council has a budget of £22,000 to spend on tree replacements in the whole of Norwich. This means that next year Nelson ward would get just FOUR replacement trees.
Your local councillors have launched a campaign to get this sum increased and also for the City Council to develop a city-wide strategy for increasing tree planting.
Do your bit to help local trees
Sign the petition online at
Become a local tree warden – contact us for
more information.
Let us know if you’d like to help with the campaign.
Call for action on poverty
Greens urge support on cost of living
Green Party co leader Carla Denyer recently visited Norwich food bank with local councillors. She said: “Food banks shouldn’t have to exist full stop. In the light of the current cost of living crisis the Green Party is offering solutions, including making energy efficiency a priority.” She called for action by the government on the wage and fuel crisis.
Norfolk County Councillor Paul Neale said: “Vouchers for heating are available and increasingly in demand, so donations of cash as well as time and food are welcomed by the foodbank.”
Increasing traffic a threat to health and climate
Local and national challenges to clean up air and cut carbon

Air pollution, accidents, speeding, noise and damage were some of the many issues and concerns raised by residents during our recent survey of traffic problems in the side streets off Earlham Road. Over 90% were concerned about speeding.
Cllr Paul Neale said: “We have prepared a report and presented the findings to Norfolk County Council, who have agreed to investigate further and take action. If you have issues to raise about traffic in your street contact us.”
Cllr Denise Carlo said: “We need more action on local streets instead of Norfolk County Council’s obsession with costly major road building schemes, which will do deep harm by increasing carbon emissions.”
Local climate campaigner Dr Andrew Boswell is taking the government to court to ensure emissions are properly assessed in road building decisions. Watch Andrew explain the case at and support his legal costs at
Dealing with litter problem
Cllr Denise Carlo takes direct action
Denise Carlo recently collected three bags of litter left near the Earlham Road shopping centre. She says: “There is a real problem here as the City Council won’t collect from this area since it is not public space and the absentee landlords aren’t doing so either. Preferably, of course, people should take their litter home with them.”
Highways update
Several local highways projects, such as Caernarvon Road parking permit scheme, congestion relief at the Christchurch /Earlham junction and no idling signage outside schools had stalled because Norfolk County Council had prioritised work on several major road schemes in the city.
The ward projects, for which Councillor Paul Neale had gained funding, now stand a better chance of going ahead following his meeting with council officials who agreed to appoint private design contractors.