protection for Angel Road site

Green Gillian Francis seeks protection for Angel Road site

Gillian is working with Green councillors to seek a preservation order

Gillian Francis at Angel Road School

ver the past year, children, parents, staff and local residents have been left in the dark while decisions have been made about the future of Angel Road Junior School. We have asked that this site is retained for the local community but a year later, our concerns are still being ignored by Norfolk County Council and our local MP, Chloe Smith, has told us to stay out of it.

Local resident and Green Party campaigner Gillian Francis is keeping up the fight for the Angel Road junior school site. It is an important part of the area’s culture and heritage, so she is seeking a preservation order to retain it for the community and prevent it being bulldozed in favour of development.

Gillian Francis said, “We urge local MPs and Norfolk County Council to give us information about plans for the site, and feel strongly that local residents must be consulted in this process. We have a unique opportunity to create a thriving centre for our community. As a venue for local residents, it could generate employment and be a self sustaining hub for local groups, small businesses, and charities. We want to know what you think should happen to this historical building, and who should benefit from it as a community asset. What does it mean to you? Please let us know.”

General Sewell

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