Mancroft -Jamie Osborn

Mancroft -Jamie Osborn

Jamie is a city councillor and county councillor for Mancroft Ward. Jamie is a highly active campaigner and advocate for the city centre, which he wants to be a safe and pleasant place to live, now and for generations to come. He has helped residents submit their views on developments like Anglia Square and has supported  community groups in improving green space in their areas.

Jamie regularly talks to the police about residents’ concerns. He has been working to ensure better use of CCTV, the installation of security doors in residential blocks and faster action on graffiti and fly-tipping.

Jamie listens to residents’ views on parking and traffic and has campaigned to improve public transport and air quality, including helping residents in the city centre campaign against speeding and improved bus services.

He is an advocate for trying to end homelessness through improving access to affordable housing, as well as giving everyone security through a Universal Basic Income.

Jamie believes that now, more than ever, we need young people in local politics as we face the massive threat of a climate emergency. Jamie has taken action to bring climate change to the top of the political agenda. He has campaigned against the Norwich Western Link road and wants to bring a Green New Deal to the city. He believes in local solutions to big problems and has been working hard to support initiatives that support the local economy in a sustainable way.


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