Action to improve our area
Your Green Party team working hard all year round
Thank you to over 100 people who signed our petition to save the Lidl on Drayton Road that so many relied on. While we did get a response from the CEO of Lidl, it was not the outcome we hoped for. The site has now been sold and was marketed as being suitable for retail or leisure use or for housing development, a care home or retirement living.
And thank you to the organising committee for their hard work organising this year’s Mile Cross Festival and for inviting the NR3 Green Team. We enjoyed the opportunity to speak to many residents about green spaces in the community as well as meeting others who are active in Mile Cross.

We continue to regularly report fly-tipping and other street issues like graffiti, dog mess and overflowing bins that blight our area, as we wait to see if any action from our Labour Norwich City Council will materialise. We have also delivered more replacement street signs across NR3. Let us know if one needs replacing near you!
After a property on Press Lane was burnt down following months of anti-social behavior, Cllr Alex Catt raised the issue with the local media after the Labour council missed the multiple warnings they had been given.