Sewage dumping is filling the River Wensum

Recently Cllr Gary Champion and Cllr Gillian Francis brought a motion to the council that focused on how the River Wensum, which meanders its way through our fine city, needs a higher level of protection.

However, n 2022, raw human sewage was dumped into the river for a total of 292 hours. Norwich is at the heart of an area of ecological importance, the majority of which is built up of designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and therefore the water quality of our river has a direct impact on the sustainability of this environment and downstream to the Norfolk coast.

We all enjoy our rivers and seas, especially during the Summertime. In NR3 we are lucky to have Andersons Meadow, a space where people

from across the area and flock to, looking to be near the running water and surrounded by the green space. Spaces like this are under threat.

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