The Council is lax on street cleaning

The Council is lax on street cleaning

We get weekly feedback from residents that our area is being neglected by our city and county councils, that street cleaning is missed and that alleyways are left to become overgrown rubbish tips that are hotspots for anti-social behaviour.

And after

We continue to take matters into our own hands and when the state of this alley leading from Silver Road to Marlborough Road was reported to us, we cut back the overgrowth, weeded the alleyway and cleared litter. It is now much more welcoming.

It took about three hours and we had over six bags of green waste at the end of it, but it was fulfilling to get something done. We are glad the city council is reviewing cleaning schedules and will continue to push them on this. We have another stretch to do, and will be meeting at 3pm on 27th August. Please join us!

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