Sewell Ward News

The Campaign Team

Councillor Alex Catt
Councillor Gary Champion
Councillor Gillian Francis

Priorities for Sewell Ward

At the last census there were 9934 people living in Sewell in 4866 households. Twenty per cent of the population is under twenty, and fourteen percent is over 60. 58% of the population is economically active, a third in skilled trades.

The area falls in the highest band for fuel poverty; this means that a lot of the population are living in a property with a fuel poverty energy efficiency rating of band D or below, and, after they have heated their houses, they fall below the poverty line.

55% of the housing Stock is in owner occupation . The majority of private owned property was built before built before 1919 , and is likely to be poorly insulated.

The council housing fares better, but a program of cavity wall and roof insulation, and boiler replacements, needs to be carried out

9% of the housing stock has no outside space,; but, the average garden size is 60 square meters (30’ x 18’) so there is potential to use heat pumps to heat a lot of the properties, rather than fossil fuel

A green party council would create a not-for profit company specialising in insulation solutions, to carry out insulation of the council properties, and would give support and training to companies able to install heat pumps, producing a green environment and creating more employment opportunities.

Sewell News

Upcycled wood used to build homes for under threat swifts

Green councillor building urban habitats to bring wildlife back to Norwich

Swifts have been in a sharp decline across the UK due to destroyed habitats.

Numbers of swifts have been in swift decline over the past two decades as habitats have been destroyed with the population falling by 60%. Conversely other countries with dedicated policy to protect urban wildlife habitats have not seen this fall.

Green councillor Gary Champion is campaigning to make Norwich a swift friendly city. He is pushing the city council to incorporate these habitats into all new developments with the inclusion of swift bricks, a specific type of bird nest for swifts. As a low-cost measure to help this threatened species, he is also pushing for swift boxes to be added to existing properties whenever routine maintenance is being carried out.

He said, “We would encourage members of the community to participate in our drive to help the swifts either by installing your own swift boxes or getting in touch with us so that we can help install one from upcycled wood. We would also love to hear from you if you already have one – please do tell us your experiences.

Green councillors assist residents with mould issues

Housing Ombudsman makes multiple rulings against Labour administration

Mould and damp issues have been in the national news recently for the adverse health effects they cause. Your local Green councillors have been assisting residents in pushing the Labour-controlled City Council to take urgent action after months of ignoring residents’ concerns.

Your Green councillors, Alex Catt and Gary Champion, have long been calling for the council to get to grips with its housing repairs backlog and provide the service that all of its tenants deserve.

Cllr Alex Catt said, “It has been really upsetting to see so many tenants struggling with serious mould issues while our Labour council continues to ignore their concerns, with repairs either being shoddy or non-existent. Mould is a serious issue which can impact our health. It is about time that the city council takes this seriously and addresses their failure to provide essential maintenance. With a £23 million underspend on their housing budget, what are they waiting for?”

Park and Stride

Councillor Alex Catt helped to set-up a park-and-stride scheme with St Clements Hill School and St George’s Church to ease congestion and traffic around Wall Road, Sprowston Road and Constitution Hill.

Litter Picks

Gillian, Gary and Alex organised a litter-pick of Gertrude Road, Romany Road,Marlborough Road and Mousehold Heath. They managed to pull out multiple bags of litter as well as reporting fly-tipping and needles to be removed.Gillian, Gary and Alex will be raising the issues of drug dealing around Temple Road and anti-social behaviour at Sandy Park as priorities for the local police team at the next Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meeting

New Road Signs

Councillor Alex Catt has successfully had street signs replaced at Bull Close and Starling Road. He has reported many more in the area for replacement – let us know if you see a missing or damaged sign!

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