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Greens call for council to invest in solar panels for council buildings

21 February 2011

City Hall’s large flat roof is a prime site for solar panels, and installing them now would allow the council to take advantage of the government’s feed in tariff scheme.

This means the council would receive an income from selling the energy produced, as well as saving money on its own fuel bills.

The Green Party will continue to put pressure on the council to install solar panels on its many other buildings.

Councillor Stephen Little, shadow portfolio holder for Planning and Finance, said:

“City Hall is an iconic building, but its maintenance and running costs are high. It would be a wasted opportunity for the council not to take advantage of the opportunity to create an income stream, save money and reduce it’s carbon footprint all at the same time.

This Green Party budget amendment takes advantage of what’s on offer at present and will help to reduce spending cuts in the coming years. We will keep up the pressure on the council to install solar panels on its many other buildings.”