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Green councillor speaks to the TSSA

16 May 2011

Hi, my name is Samir Jeraj, I’m a Green Party City Councillor, Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Spokesperson for Economic Development here in Norwich. I’d like to thank Fliss from the TSSA for organising this and asking me to share some thoughts, ideas, and experience with you today.

As back to coming here today I read through the ‘Million Climate Jobs’ document produce back in 2009. I was struck by the conscious emphasis on Climate jobs, jobs which will reduce our contribution to climate change, as opposed to ‘Green Jobs’ – I can tell you as a politician who uses Green as a prefix, it’s a word which is claimed by all and understood by few. For me it will always combined ecology with socialism.

Here in Norwich and in Norfolk we, as a party, and our representatives have been doing our bit and punching above our weight in creating climate jobs. On the City Council we amended the Council budget earlier this year to set aside money for installing renewables on Council property. On the County Council we were instrumental in setting up an Energy Services Company to upgrade energy efficiency and install renewables in County Council property and buildings. We have consistently supported schemes which localise economies, reducing carbon miles and stopping consumer spending heading into the pockets of the multinationals.

We are also campaigning to change the direction of Norfolk’s economic development away from a high-carbon, car dependent lifestyle. This has meant opposing new road building projects consistently favoured by the County Council over public transport and rail.

In terms of some simple ideas that you as delegates can take back to your workplaces, I would say you should look at your procurement and localise, change your energy suppliers, push for renewable generation on site and encourage cycling to work along with your employer.

As this is a trade union fringe, it makes sense to talk about environment reps. I was one of the Green Party members who proposed that the Green Party support the work of elected trade union environment reps by campaigning for them to have the same time off for these duties as other reps. I don’t know if the TSSA has policy on this, but I can say from experience the impact that dedicated reps can make to a workplace.

So, we need a million jobs in renewables, insulation, and public transport. Let’s work together and build an economy for the future and not one for the past.