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Special opening for Green Party Christmas Fair

11 December 2014

Organic horticulturalist and Gardener’s Question Time panel regular, Bob Flowerdew will open Norwich Green Party’s Christmas Fair this Saturday along with UEA’s Dr Teresa Belton and Green Parliamentary Candidate, Lesley Grahame. Cllr Grahame will cut a ribbon to officially open the fair at St Thomas’ Church Hall, Earlham Road, after introducing the other two speakers.

Bob Flowerdew, who lives locally in Dickleburgh, is a well-known organic gardener, tv and radio presenter, the patron of several charities and the author of over two dozen books. 

Teresa Belton’s new book Happier People Healthier Planet explores how, both as individuals and a society, we can enhance our well-being and reduce our environmental damage at the same time. Dr Belton has also written about the experiences of childhood and how being bored is probably better for children than overdosing on technology.

The Christmas Fair will open at 10.30am when visitors will be invited to browse stalls selling local, ethical and upcycled gifts. Children’s activities will be available as will lunchtime refreshments and visitors are invited to bring along unwanted garments to exchange or to buy items from the clothes stall. Green Santa will be visiting from 11am – 12 noon and music will be provided during the afternoon when everyone will be encouraged to join in some festive singing.

Everyone is welcome at St Thomas’ Church Hall from 10.30am until 3.30pm on Saturday 13th December.