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Natalie Bennett takes “GreenerIN” message to Norwich

15 June 2016

On 16th June, exactly a week before the crucial referendum on Britain’s continued membership of the EU, Green Party leader, Natalie Bennett, will be in Norwich to outline why the Greens are campaigning hard for a ‘remain’ vote on 23 June.

The Green Party has in particular called on voters who care about the environment and tackling climate change to vote for the UK to remain in the European Union.

The party’s leader, Natalie Bennett, is taking this message around the country as the Green Party begins its final EU referendum campaigning push.

Ms Bennett has said that collective standards across Europe can ensure that all governments – particularly our own, with its poor environmental record – meet the need for action on climate change and other environmental crises that we face.

The Greens have in particular been highlighting how the EU’s environmental policies have helped ensure action is taken on issues such as air pollution in UK towns and cities, such as Norwich, which have continually exceeded the legal limits for dangerous particulates, linked to poor public health. [1]

Speaking ahead of her visit, Bennett said:

“The late rush to register before the deadline for voting in the referendum, primarily by young people, was a sign of increasing awareness and interest in this vital decision about our future.

“I’ll be stressing that the mainstream media debate has failed to address many critical issues, and presenting the positive Green case for remaining in Europe. We flourish when we work together jointly to tackle the problems that we face.

She continued:

“Whether it is protecting and enhancing workers’ rights, promoting peace and democracy or dealing with air and water pollution or climate change, the issues don’t stop at national borders.”

Norwich City Councillor, David Raby, from the GreenerIN campaign group said:

“We have cleaner beaches and rivers and more protection from toxic chemicals thanks to EU rules. Our MEPs work democratically with others in the European Parliament to achieve better standards.

“Together we can build a better Europe and a better Britain: if we leave, I fear that a “Little Englander” mentality will take us back to the 1930s.”

Ms Bennett will be engaging with Norwich residents between 2pm and 3:30pm on Gentleman’s Walk in the city centre to discuss these issues before the crucial referendum on 23rd June.


