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Thickthorn Farce – Where’s the Emergency?

8 July 2019

The government has declared a climate emergency, Norwich City Council has acknowledged a climate emergency. Both are supporting a massive upgrade to the Thickthorn Junction.

Green Party councillor, Lesley Grahame, criticised the Government and the local council for claiming to be concerned about our changing climate but continuing to support actions which released more carbon into the atmosphere.

Green Party councillor, Lesley Grahame said:

“Policy changes do not happen overnight, but the contradictions between words and actions couldn’t be more stark. As well as subsidising fossil fuels and increasing VAT on renewables, the government is operating a transport policy that locks us into private car use and knowingly increases greenhouse gas emissions.

“It is well documented that new additional road capacity brings additional traffic, particularly where substantial new housing development is planned. While new homes are of course much needed, these should be planned with the emerging climate in mind, and the necessity for net-zero emissions within the life of these homes. 

“Therefore, facilities need to be in place to reduce the need to travel, non-car transport should be the default and can be catered for by excellent access to rapid, reliable bus routes, footpaths and cycleways.

“There is always a public consultation on road schemes, but rarely do they include the option of spending the money on something other than building a new road.”

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