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River Wensum Spring Clean

With spring just around the corner and the daffodils blooming along the
river, it’s time for Norwich Green Party campaigners and the local
community to get together on Saturday 19th March for one of their
regular clean-up sessions around the River Wensum. Starting at 11am down
by the river at Pull’s Ferry, this is the fourth year that volunteers
have been out in canoes retrieving rubbish from the water and on the
banks with bags and litter-pickers.

They will be joining the many thousands of other members of the public
taking part in the Keep Britain Tidy group’s ‘Great British Spring
Clean’. Running during March and April, this countrywide event aims to
involve everyone who cares about their local environment in taking
practical steps to keep it clean and unpolluted.

The BiGScuba divers will be there to clear rubbish from the sides and
bed of the river and GoodGym volunteers will be helping on the banks.

The efforts of these campaigners are also contributing to United Nations
World Water Day which is held annually in March. This event celebrates
water wherever it is on our earth and aims to raise awareness of the 2
billion people still living without access to clean water.

Green Party Councillor for Thorpe Hamlet Lesley Grahame said:
“Water is critical to all aspects of our lives, we cannot live without
it. So although World Water Day is about taking action to tackle the
water crisis globally, community action such as this is an ideal way to
get everyone involved in looking after the water in their local areas.
Clearing plastic rubbish and other litter from around the river will
prevent it being washed down into our seas and oceans and thus help
tackle the increasing pollution of the marine environment both
practically and symbolically.”

We very much appreciate Norwich Cathedral’s support for this event and
Norwich City Council’s help with disposing of the rubbish collected.

Everyone is welcome to come along to this community event; bags, gloves
and litter-pickers will be supplied. Further information from Peter
Cutting at

Photo opportunity – 11am on Saturday 19th March beside Pull’s Ferry NR1
1LW Parking for covering the event possible at the river end of Ferry

Further information from:
Peter Cutting m. 07782 904394 t. 01603 501504